Lund Pilgrimmage
On the day we visited the Lund Cathedral there happened to be an auspicious event to mark the return of a sacred pilgrimmage from the 1500's.
(excerpts from "Longing for Home" Pilgrimmage information flyer)...
The Pilgrims road is one of the big walking migration routes that connect the Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain to Nidaros in Norway. In May your feet are invited to take part. The walks come from the four different directions to Lund, where we meet for Mass on Sunday the 24th at 11am. We walk for about 20 km per day and take turns in silence and talking. We sleep on the floors in church halls during this time. We help each other with food and dishes. Everyday is carried by the daily prayers in mass. In the evening we gather together to share the experiences we had during the day. You can take part in the whole walk or parts of it.
On our way to Lund there were incredible landscapes with yellow (raps) fields. In Lund there were Pilgrims arriving from all over Scandanavia, many with backpacks and walking sticks. We were served coffee and sandwiches outside the Cathedral before the church bells called everyone inside for a special inauguration mass for the Pilgrims road.
The cathedral you see in these pictures is in Lund Sweden. The carving on the stone pillar of the hairy giant with the long hair on his face is from around 1145. He helped build the cathedral. The other figures carved on a nearby pillar are his wife and child. They were hairy giants.
All he wanted in payment for helping build the cathedral was the moon and the sun or the Bishop's eyes, according to tradition. Unless of course, the Bishop could guess his name. Well the Bishop was greatly disturbed and went away to pray for an answer to his dreadful predicament. While he was praying he heard a voice under the earth. It was the Giant's wife talking to their child.
"Don't worry, your father will bring you the moon and the sun or the Bishop's eyes to play with. Your Father Finn is a very powerful man."
Well the Bishop raced back and told the giant that he had guessed his name correctly, Finn. Well Finn was so mad that he tried to collapse the cathedral by grabbing hold of one of the pillars and shaking it. At that time he was turned to stone. And so there he sits in the crypt of the stone cathedral. His wife and child are carved on another pillar and can be seen in the dim gray light on the ancient stone.
(excerpts from "Longing for Home" Pilgrimmage information flyer)...
The Pilgrims road is one of the big walking migration routes that connect the Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain to Nidaros in Norway. In May your feet are invited to take part. The walks come from the four different directions to Lund, where we meet for Mass on Sunday the 24th at 11am. We walk for about 20 km per day and take turns in silence and talking. We sleep on the floors in church halls during this time. We help each other with food and dishes. Everyday is carried by the daily prayers in mass. In the evening we gather together to share the experiences we had during the day. You can take part in the whole walk or parts of it.
On our way to Lund there were incredible landscapes with yellow (raps) fields. In Lund there were Pilgrims arriving from all over Scandanavia, many with backpacks and walking sticks. We were served coffee and sandwiches outside the Cathedral before the church bells called everyone inside for a special inauguration mass for the Pilgrims road.
The cathedral you see in these pictures is in Lund Sweden. The carving on the stone pillar of the hairy giant with the long hair on his face is from around 1145. He helped build the cathedral. The other figures carved on a nearby pillar are his wife and child. They were hairy giants.
All he wanted in payment for helping build the cathedral was the moon and the sun or the Bishop's eyes, according to tradition. Unless of course, the Bishop could guess his name. Well the Bishop was greatly disturbed and went away to pray for an answer to his dreadful predicament. While he was praying he heard a voice under the earth. It was the Giant's wife talking to their child.
"Don't worry, your father will bring you the moon and the sun or the Bishop's eyes to play with. Your Father Finn is a very powerful man."
Well the Bishop raced back and told the giant that he had guessed his name correctly, Finn. Well Finn was so mad that he tried to collapse the cathedral by grabbing hold of one of the pillars and shaking it. At that time he was turned to stone. And so there he sits in the crypt of the stone cathedral. His wife and child are carved on another pillar and can be seen in the dim gray light on the ancient stone.